Is it acceptable to simply join voice channels?
YES! If you can see the channel, don’t be afraid to join!
With our dynamic voice channel system, we reduce the number of unused voice channels. When you create a channel, you can update it to make it private so that it won’t be visible to everyone.
Is there a requirement for attendance?
Only for Officers and NCOs!
We recognize that sometimes life interferes with your ability to play Star Citizen, but as a member, you can still take use of all the organization’s perks even if you can only play occasionally each month.
Can I join the organization if I'm a pirate or engage in pirate activity?
Of course! SIS welcomes people from all backgrounds! Sante interstellar Solutions is a Lawful Organization that compiles with all UEE regulations.  A person may appear to be a pirate from a certain angle if their acts or behaviors are careless and directed towards the innocent, but when directed at a specific adversary group or organization, these “Piratelike” actions are simply another method of warfare.
What is the level of strictness/hardcore of SIS?
We don’t adhere to strict or hardcore rules, yet during organizational activities, we prefer to concentrate on the task at hand. On off times, we often act goofy, enjoy ourselves, and have a good laugh.
Is it necessary for me to own specific ships?
Absolutely not! As long as you can play the game, we’d love to have you. Our organization easily represents every currently flyable or concept ship available, and most of those ships need lots of people.

Welcome to Sante Interstellar Solutions!
 You can log in by clicking the button below that will log you in with your Discord account.